If you or your loved one has been struggling with problematic and excessive technology/media use such as videogaming or social media, we can help. I am Dr. Kenneth Woog and as a clinical psychologist I have been helping ad0lescents and adults Get Back In the Game of Life for nearly two decades. This is all we do. We only work with individuals struggling to get their life back after experiencing the negative life consequences of problematic technology use.
This is my passion and you have my personal commitment that we will do everything we can to help you or your loved one Get Back In the Game of Life.
Kenneth Woog, Psy.D. BSEEE, MBA
Dr. Woog
Dr. Woog has appeared on national television, documentaries, speaks at conferences and regulaly teach on the problems of technology over use. In addition to two masters and a doctorate degree in Psychology, Dr., Woog also has a BS In Electrical and Electronics Engineering and is a computer engineer. He has developed both advanced technolo9y (specialized devices and computers) and behavioral methods to help individuals struggling in this area and holds two patents related to devices designed to help moderate technology use. Technology is an important aspect of life today. It helps us be more productive and connects us to our world. Unfortunately many of us struggle to moderate and create balance..